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Student Parking Permits

Tivy High School


Driving a vehicle to school is a privilege, not a right. THS reserves the right to search or tow any vehicle and/or suspend or revoke student-parking privileges.

Furthermore, Tivy High School reserves the right to modify these rules at any time.

All persons and vehicles on THS parking lots must adhere to the policies presented in the THS Parking Rules.

Tivy High School Student Parking Permit image

To obtain your Tivy High School Parking Permit you must have the following items:

  • Valid Texas Driver's License
  • Proof of Insurance listing the vehicle the student is driving & the student is listed as an insured driver on the policy 
  • Vehicle Plate Number
  • Random Drug Testing Consent Form - signed by parents (completed through online registration) or by clicking here.
  • $10 paid online through Skyward Family Access Fee Management (no cash/checks)

 Click on the button below to complete the parking permit application process.

Parking Permit Application

Tivy High School students who drive to school/park on campus are expected to:

  1. Know the THS Parking Rules,
  2. Adhere to the THS Parking Rules, and
  3. Accept the consequences for violating any THS Parking Rule(s). 
  • Students are not allowed to move vehicles or go to and from them during the school day.
  • Students are not allowed to drive recklessly.
  • Students are not allowed to use their vehicles to leave campus unexcused. Tivy High School is a closed campus.
  • Students may NOT park in the front circle of the school or in the Staff Parking Lot under any circumstances.
  • Vehicles without a valid permit and/or vehicles improperly/illegally parked will be subject to a MONETARY FINE and/or disciplinary action.
  • Students who give, sell or otherwise misuse their permit may lose the privilege of parking on campus.
  • If a student should sell the vehicle to which the permit is attached or change the vehicle he/she is driving to school, that student MUST provide the new vehicle information to the secretary in the Assistant Principal’s Office.
  • Early dismissal for medical or other appointments must be cleared with the Front Office.
  • Permits MUST be displayed AT ALL TIMES.
  • Prior year permits (2023-2024) are NOT valid.
  • Students are allowed to park only in the designated student parking lot using only one parking spot.