New to KISD Athletes
Planet HS Athletic Forms
- Go to
- Sign up for a STUDENT account using your Kerrville ISD email as your username
- Parent will create their own account later (instructions below)
- Log in
- Fill out basic profile information
- Click the black bar at the top “menu” if you’re on your phone. If you are on a computer, go to step 6.
- Click athletic forms
- Make sure your school is listed as Hal Peterson Middle School (7th grade) or Tivy (9-12th)
- If it isn’t and you’re on your phone, click the box with 3 lines in the top right corner, click your name, then click settings and change it
- If it isn’t and you’re on a computer, click on your name, click settings and change it
- Make sure all other information on the athletic forms page is correct (sports, parent info, etc.)
- Click “link parent account” and you can enter their email (preferred) or phone number. It will send an email/text to your parent that they will use to create their parent's account.
- Scroll to the bottom
- 5 blue links will need to be completed (Medical History, Physical Examination, UIL Participation, Travel Card, KISD Agreements)
- Medical History: (2 options)
- If you have the hard copy (with all the yes/no answers) filled out from when you got your physical, you can click “print/upload here”, then upload a document, then take a picture with your phone and upload, or upload a file if it’s on your computer.
- If you don’t have a hard copy filled out, you can fill out the questions online.
- PLEASE BE SURE TO EXPLAIN ALL “YES” ANSWERS IN THE BOX NEAR THE BOTTOM BEFORE YOU SIGN (ex: yes for allergies, please just list seasonal if that’s the case)
- Physical Examination:
- Click upload document, choose file, then either take a picture with your phone, or upload a file if you’re on your on the computer.
- Other 3 forms:
- Fill out/initial forms
- Have your parents log in and approve all 5 forms when you’re done.
When you think you’re finished, you should see “Pending Staff Approval” on the Medical History and the Physical Examination forms and “Complete” on the last 3 forms. Otherwise, it will tell you what needs to be done. Please save your login information in a safe place for next year! Thank You!
Email Support link:
Thank you,
Kerrville Athletic Department