Rick Sralla
Mr. Sralla holds a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Texas at Tyler and has 23 years in education after starting out as a teacher at Tivy. Sralla has served as principal of the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program at KISD for four years, Assistant Principal at Hal Peterson Middle School for three years before serving as a Middle School Principal at Ingram ISD most recently.
“It’s great to be home,” Sralla said. “I consider Kerrville ISD my home. I’m here to serve this community. It is an unbelievable honor to put the blue and gold on and live Tivy Fight Never Dies. I’m looking forward to this.”
Sralla’s wife Amy is the head athletic trainer and teaches Dual Anatomy and Physiology at Tivy High School. The Srallas have two children: Aveson and Slaid.